Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dumpfnoodle - Fried Dough

So finally I give you what I promised. A german recipe from my Grandmother. 
My Grandmother made this last week with me and it was delicious. 

To make the dough mix yeast with water, Potato water will make the dough more flavourful. 

Add Salt and lard. Mix well.
Add the flour, knead until it starts to stop sticking to you.
 If you don't want to knead the dough, my grandmother uses a Dough kneader(Bosch makes one). 
I have a paddle for my stand mixer to knead dough. 
So it does't have to be so difficult.
However, If you want to buy frozen dough it will work as well. 
My mom has used frozen dough to make this easier to do. 

Let the dough rise until it rises to twice the size, punch it back down. 
Let it rise again till its twice its size and punch it down once more. 
Once it has risen the third time it is done. 
It should take about 2 hours. 
If your house is cool, or you are making this in the winter, 
you might have to turn your oven on the lowest setting and put the dough in there to rise. 

While the dough is rising:
In a frying pan, fry the sausage on medium. 
If you want to make some without sour kraut, now would be the time to  take some of the sausage out of the pan. Add the sour kraut to the pan. You want to boil the juice out of the sour kraut so its not too moist. 
You might have to drain some of the juice if it hasn't evaporated after about 20 minutes. 
Mix in garlic powder(you want powder not salt because this recipe is salty already).

After the dough is done. Grab 2-3 inch balls and roll them out into flat circles. 
 Fill with sour kraut mixture, and squeeze the edges of the dough together to make pouches. 
If you want to make some with just sausage, fill them up! 
Also if you want to make some without anything just leave the dough in 2-3 inch balls.
After the pouches are made the dough needs to rise again for a half hour. 
My grandmother said because the dough is so sticky still you have to place the pouches on a wooden board. 
I think wax paper should work to stop the sticking as well. 
Again if your house is cool, place the pouches in the oven to rise. 

To fry the pouches you will need non-stick pans with lids, make sure the pans have higher sides. 
Heat 2 Tbsp of oil in the pan(each pan if more than one) on medium-high. 
Once the pan is hot enough(splash a little water into pan and it should make loud frying sounds) add 3/4 cup of water. 
Place the risen pouches in the pan as spacious as possible. 
However, my grandmother always puts as many in as possible. 

Once in the pans, put the lid on and fry until there is no water left on the bottom. 
You will also be able to smell the fried dough from the outside of the pans. 
About 30 minutes.

DO NOT take off the lid until it smells fried and there is no water sloshing at the bottom of the pot.

When it is done you will hear frying noises when you move the pot around. 
Then Enjoy!

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