Friday, January 24, 2014

Reliability of Food Blogs

Food blogs tend not to have reliability issues as they are just relaying information about how to make certain dishes or desserts. The only issues that would come up is false promoting and preparation issues.

Promotions like the "best spaghetti " or the "most moist cupcakes"happen often. For example there are 3 million most moist cupcake URL's that come up on google search and 87 million results on best spaghetti. There can not be 3 million most moist cupcakes in the world, nor can there be 87 million best spaghetti's. These falsities are not life threatening, and they can be tested but no one will go through and test 87 million spaghetti's to see which one is the best. I'm sure everyone has their own opinion to which one is the best. But even then there can only be so many of the best.

There are issues concerning the proper procedures for preparing certain foods. Foods like raw eggs and meat need to have careful cooking instructions to insure they are cooked properly. And most food preparation blogs or websites have warnings about making sure you cook meat properly. Also the use of raw eggs is almost always followed with a warning for elderly, pregnant women and children for ingesting food with raw eggs.

Apart from these issues food blogs and websites tend not to have any hoaxes. And their reliability concerns only to proper preparation and false advertising.

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