Sunday, January 12, 2014


My name is Kendralee. I am half Jamaican and half German. I wanted to write about something I would be proud of. Something that would make a difference. So I have decided to share my grandmother's recipes.
My grandparents families have brought these recipes with them from the Ukraine where they lived and passed them down through generations. We are not sure which recipes are German and which are Ukrainian or whether they are some mixture of both. 

Over the next couple of months my grandmother and I will make these recipes so I can extract the measurements and share them with all of you. These are the recipes I will be sharing with you, in no specific order.

Streudle is an extremely thin dough rolled up into little cylinders. My grandmother makes a Pork Rib, Potato and Tomato Paste Stew. This is my favourite of the Five that we will make. My family always uses the stew to dunk the dough into.

Dumpfnoodle is a fried ball of dough stuffed with sour kraut and sausage. This is a family favourite! My grandma is so nice she makes them custom for us. I don't like sour kraut, my mom doesn't like them with to much sour kraut and my grandfather likes some with nothing in them to use with his soup later. 

Fleisch Roladen
Fleisch(Flesh Roladen) is pickle and bacon wrapped in a beef tenderloin. This is not my favourite but it is still really yummy. I like it after i take the pickle out, but I'm really picky. My boyfriend really likes this one because of the lack of dough. My grandma makes it instead of roast with all the fixings. 

Borscht is a cabbage, beef and vegetable soup. It is really hearty and good. My grandparents really like this. They make it all the time for themselves. 

Schneeballen is a German pudding dessert. It is made with egg whites and vanilla cream. We are going to try this one for the first time together. My grandmother assures me it is yummy!

I hope you enjoy what I will share with you over the next couple months.

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